About us

We are rural and indigenous communities in Bolivia engaged in the management of community solidarity tourism enterprises – Emprendimientos Turisticos Solidarios Comunitarios, ETSC –, which come together in the Bolivian Network of Community Solidarity Tourism (Red TUSOCO).

We aim to improve and diversify the economy of rural and indigenous communities by enhancing and sharing our heritage in a responsible and sustainable way.

The Red Tusoco

The Bolivian Network of Community Solidarity Tourism is a private national social organization, which has legal personality as an association under the Bolivian Civil Code.

The Network integrates, supports, and represents affiliated ETSCs with the objective of improving the quality of life and income of the rural and indigenous communities, exploiting tourism as a local socio-economic development strategy, complementary to the traditional productive activities.

Currently Red TUSOCO brings together 24 ETSCs across the country, including affiliates and pre-affiliates, to whom it provides technical assistance and training services to help develop their organisations, manage their tourism initiatives and the quality of their services, with particular attention to aspects such as self-management, identity, enhancement and conservation of heritage.

Red TUSOCO has created its own commercial arm, legally established in accordance with the Bolivian Commercial Code, under the name TUSOCO Viajes, a company wholly owned by the member communities and businesses, which offers tours and tourism products according to a community, solidarity, responsible and sustainable approach throughout Bolivia; trips that allow visitors to enjoy the best destinations in the country, but also to experience the wonderful natural and cultural heritage of rural Bolivia, putting people at its heart.

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