Puerto Carabuco

Puerto Carabuco
Picturesque corners and legends on the shores of Lake Titicaca

Heavenly beaches, fascinating river communities and fantastically shaped mountain ranges are some of the must-see attractions in Puerto Carabuco.

According to one of the legends about the city, long before the time of the Spanish conquest, a man arrived here carrying a cross and fighting idolatry: the mysterious figure was later identified by the Spanish missionaries as Saint Bartholomew and his cross is still preserved in the church dedicated to the apostle in Puerto Carabuco.

In the same church you can also admire four Baroque paintings representing the Last Judgement, while the lower part of the canvas narrates the famous legend. In reality, the main character represented seems to be the pre-Hispanic god Tunupa, rather than San Bartolomeo. According to local beliefs, Tunupa died on Lake Titicaca and his experience, in an extraordinary example of popular religious syncretism, was associated by the people with the figure of the saint imported from across the ocean.

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